Cambridge International Project Qualification
At A Level, in addition to taking 3 full A-Levels, students will also complete the Cambridge International Project Qualification – the IPQ.
The IPQ is a project-based qualification in which students further develop research skills,
independent learning and analysis to produce an in-depth report on a topic of their choice.
Students who take the IPQ are required to engage with their topic to greater levels of
depth, enhancing their ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesise – all key, transferable
skills that are admired by future employers and universities.
“This sort of deeper engagement will help develop students’ ability
to be life-long learners.”
- Cambridge International
The IPQ has a designated time allocated each week to allow Tutors to offer guidance
and support in a structured way. We have a large computer room for research and offer
bespoke help on particular topics from our staff with certain expertise.