St Bees School



Course Overview 

Drama is a popular option and results are consistently very high. We follow the Cambridge International IGCSE Drama specification. Drama students develop high level performance skills through work on devised and scripted projects.

They study the theatrical possibilities of play texts and examine how they can be taken from page to stage. In addition, Drama students are taken to see a variety of professional live theatre productions and develop knowledge of theatrical styles, genres and theatre practitioners. Parents are invited to see Coursework Assessed performances in Year 10 and Year 11. 

How You Will Be Assessed 

Component 1: Written Examination 40% Externally examined

The written exam consists of a mixture of short answer questions and longer essay style questions about performance, design and technical aspects of play scripts and their own work

Section A: Questions on extracts from two plays supplied as pre-release material by the exam board at the beginning of Year 11.  Teachers do not have any choice as to which texts are taught.

Section B: Questions about the devised performance that students have prepared and performed for coursework.

Component 2: Coursework 60% Internally assessed/ Externally moderated

Students submit three pieces of practical coursework. They are marked as an individual.

  • One individual piece (3–5 minutes):

-  one performance of an extract from a play (monologue)

  • Two group pieces (maximum 15 minutes each):

- one performance of an extract from a play (scripted)

- one original devised piece.

Year 10: Students spend the first half term developing devising skills in a short project.  They also begin to practise exam style questions.  In November, students start work on researching, developing and devising their first piece of assessed coursework; the group original devised piece. This is performed and assessed in early February. 

They then undertake a short practise project on working with a text and prepare for the end of year exam.  The  Year 10 Written Exam requires students to answer questions based on the development and evaluation of their practical coursework. After their exams students will choose their individual monologue piece and will be given their group script piece both of which will be learnt over the Summer holiday.

Year 11: The Autumn Term is spent completing the final two pieces of assessed coursework. The group script performance takes place just before half term and the solo script performance takes place during the Trial Exams period in December. There is no written Trial Exam for Drama in December.  

After Christmas, students spend all their time working on the pre-release exam material in preparation for the written examination. This is focused on text analysis and on responses to stimulus materials. A written Trial Exam will take place before Easter.

University and Career Paths 

The IGCSE course is excellent preparation for those who may wish to continue to a degree in Drama and Theatre.