St Bees School

OSB Events

OSB Events

Below you will find a list of upcoming events organised by the St Beghian Society. 

February 2023

Friday 3rd – Cumbria Dinner

 March 2023

Saturday 4th – St Beghian Society Committee Meeting

Thursday 30th – 2nd Apr Golf - Halford Hewitt

May 2023

Friday 26th – London Dinner

 June 2023

Friday 16th – Sun 18th OSB/School Weekend

Friday 16th – School Founders’ Day

Saturday 17th  St Beghians’ Day, AGM & Com. Meeting

Saturday 17th – OSB/School Aviation-Themed Dinner

Sunday 18th (tbc) – Social Golf (tbc)

October 2023

Friday 6th  London Social

November 2023

Wednesday 8th  North East Lunch

December 2023

December 28th tbc – Thomas Froggatt Rugby Match, Cumbria

TBC Dates to be agreed

Scottish Gathering

Singapore Lunch

Asia - Hong Kong and Shenzhen