St Bees School

Student Voice

Student Voice

School and Boarding Councils

At St Bees, we have two student-led councils - the official School Council and the Boarding House Council.

The School Council

Every year, students in each year group will elect one student to represent them and their views during School Council meetings.

These meetings are attended by Mr Silk, and Mr Keep. It gives students the opportunity to give their thoughts and opinions and put forward ideas which help make St Bees School a balanced, happy environment for all.

Our School Council aims to:

  • Make St Bees a fair, positive learning environment

  • Provide a forum for all students to voice their concerns or ideas to the Senior Leadership Team

  • Build upon the Character Development Programme by developing skills such as leadership, confidence, problem-solving, teamwork and communication. 

  • Provide each student with the opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of St Bees School

  • Give students an experience of democratic processes and negotiation.

The Boarding House Council

With a growing Boarding community, our Boarding House Council plays a vital role in ensuring that all students who call St Bees home throughout the year feel valued and happy in the Boarding environment.

Similarly to the School Council, Boarding House Council members are elected by the Boarding community and are expected to attend House Council Meetings, which are attended by Mr Silk and Emma Stott, Head of Boarding.

The Boarding House Council is expected to:

  • Liaise with the Prefects regarding all Boarding House matters
  • Liaise with their peers to bring forward any Boarding related issues, anything they would like to take part in on a weekend, any ideas to improve Boarding life etc
  • Take part in house meetings and report back to their peers
  • Encourage good behaviour and effort amongst the Boarding House family
  • Support the Prefects with communication to the whole house regarding any Boarding matters
  • Any other relevant Boarding related tasks